Monday, January 24, 2011

...monkey business...

(That's the show. Right down there. Click on it!)

Hey gang! Another week and the team here at ...people familiar with the situation... are happy to see you again. Well, we can't actually see you but you know what we mean.

The gang is just as wacky as ever and for good reason. This week contains harrowing "tails" of drunken moneys and a woman we can only assume is a relative of the two ladies from the T.J. Maxx in Oklahoma. In these two picture I wonder if you can figure out which is which?

But Wait! It gets better! We have video surveillance of the crime in progress. There is a special "watch along with us" portion of the show if you'd like to wait. Everyone synchronize your watches. (Actually, don't bother because we'll just tell you when it's time to watch.)

One more thing gang. If you use an iPod, iPhone or any other iOS device the easiest way to get the show is just to subscribe in itunes. This way the show will automatically be delivered to you! It's the easiest way to go.

Thanks so much for all of your support! We love those of you who are"staying familiar"!

...people familiar with the situation...

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