Monday, December 6, 2010

...3rd time is the charm...

(That's the show, right up there, the picture, click on that.)

Another week, another new show. And, by popular demand we've double the length of it! This show covers love, relationships, the morbidly obese and little people. There are a few things you should look out for:

  • Tessa Diva saying "broughten" like it was a real word.
  • Young Mar bringing up potted meats yet again.
  • BIGReub being the calm cool collected individual he always is.
Here is the picture we promised you. It really speaks for itself.
My apologies in advance for all of those that will be terribly offended by this. I just tell the truth. That's all I can do.

Here is the direct download link if you like your show that way.

...people familiar with the situation...

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